In the Slideshare Top 5% for 2014

Top Five PercentI’ve got twenty of my presentations up on Slideshare. My most popular presentation of the year was Social Networking: The Next Weapon Against Bad Actors, which is about how social networking technologies can be leveraged to assist in cyber security. I first presented this at the government’s GFIRST Cyber Security Conference.

My second most popular presentation was 21st Century Writer. This one discusses changes in the publishing industry brought on by the advent of electronic books.

My Presentations on Slideshare

I regularly release all of my presentations on To date, my presentations have been viewed over 74,046 times. Today, I thought I’d share my Top 5 List with you:

  1. Leveraging Rails to Build Facebook Apps
    17,622 views (in two versions of the presentation)
  2. Creating Dynamic Charts with JFreeChart
  3. Creating a World-Class RESTful Web Services API
  4. Rails and the Apache SOLR Search Engine
  5. Creating Custom Charts with Ruby Vector Graphics

My runner-up for the Top 5 List is Killer Business Models, with 3,956 views.

I’m gratified at the level of exposure that has been able to provide for my 19 released presentations. I look forward to releasing many more presentations online in the future.

Slideshare Down for the Count

Started to get all of the presentations online via SlideShare, but they seem to be down for the count. All major functionality (uploads, etc.) seems to be down except for, fortunately, support for embedded presentations. You’d think they’d have some sort of contingency plan in effect or some kind of staff notification feature.