I was getting too many spam comments added to articles and news entries. Accordingly, all comments are now reviewed before they go live.
Atom Feed Is Fixed
My friend Jake Vanus pointed out to me that the Articles Atom feed for the site was broken during the Rails 3 upgrade. It is now fixed.
RubyNation 2012 Tickets Now on Sale
Tickets for RubyNation 2012 are on sale now. With RailsConf on the left side of the country, where else are you going to get your Ruby fix? The conference is March 23 – 24, 2012.
Featured SlideShare Presentation
I uploaded the slides for my Killer Business Models talk to Slideshare.net last week. I was extremely gratified today when I learned that they chose my presentation to be a featured selection on their Home page.
Section 508 and the NOVARUG
My friend and former boss, Jessie Link, will be giving a talk on “Section 508 Compliance” at the NovaRUG meeting on January 25, 2012. Even if you’re not mandated to be compliant, it’s an excellent talk on web design practices. Check it out! (Plus my friend Arild Shiraz will be talking on Domain-Specfic Languages — DSL’s)
KeenerTech.com Ported to Rails 3.0
It’s been a long time coming, but KeenerTech.com has now been fully ported to Rails 3. The chief hold-up for the conversion was a few pesky gems that needed to be swapped out for compatibility.
Speaking at DevIgnition 2011
I will be speaking at DevIgnition 2011 on December 2nd about integrating web sites with Facebook using technologies like Facebook widgets, JavaScript and Ruby on Rails.
Doing Rails Security Talk for the NOVARUG
I’ll be speaking at the NovaRUG group on “Rails Security” on Thursday, September 22nd. Networking starts at 6:30 PM, with talks beginning at 7:00 PM. Be there! The other talks will be on reek (the static code analysis tool) and JRuby.
At CapitolJS This Past Weekend
I had a great time at CapitolJS this weekend. What a great experience for a one-day, single-track JavaScript conference. Recommended.
Speaking on Rails Security at DCRUG
I will be speaking at the DCRUG on September 8, 2011 on the subject of “Rails Security.” The event begins at 7:00 PM.