A new version of the KeenerTech.com web site, designated as Version 3, is in the works. Version 1 was a Java/JSP intranet (on my home network); Version 2 is the current ASP.NET site. Version 3 is a full Rails 2.2.2 site, with admin functionality implemented using the ActiveScaffold plugin, a wider page content area and numerous other features. This should explain why there’s been fewer blog entries on the site lately (plus the workload at Grab Networks, of course).
Voxant Merges with Anystream
The official announcement went out over the wires today. My company, Voxant Media, just merged with Anystream. Voxant Media specializes in building an advertiser-supported distribution network for monetizing content such as video, images and text. Anystream produces products that process video, transcribe video as needed and generally make it available for distribution. Their most notable recent activity is streaming all of the content from the Beijing Olympics.
Note: (2018/01/13) I worked for Voxant, an Internet startup. They merged with Anystream to form a new company called Grab Networks and, later, Grab Media. The combined company never achieved the financial results the venture capitalists were looking for and they finally sold off the various pieces of the organization about four years ago. I ended up leaving Grab Networks in mid-2009.
Portland Trip
I just got back from a business trip to Portland, Oregon, where I got to spend four virtually uninterrupted days designing RESTful web services with some excellent developers. Staying in downtown Portland was a treat; the city was gorgeous, the weather was delightfully mild and walking through the city was a lot of fun. I also got to try out a bunch of really nice restaurants at company expense. I even managed to catch a glimpse of the majestic Mount Hood from my hotel room.
Temporarily Unemployed
As of today, I am temporarily unemployed. Yes, this means that I am yet another ex-AOL employee, although my separation was voluntary rather than being the result of one of AOL’s notorious rolling layoffs. Fortunately, my unemployment will only last three days, after which I’ll start my new job as a Technical Architect for Voxant.
Arthur C. Clarke
Pioneering science fiction writer Sir Arthur C. Clarke has died at 90. He’s best known as the author of classic science fiction novels such as “2001: A Space Odyssey,” “Rendezvous with Rama” and others.
Joining Voxant
Well, after five productive years at AOL, I’m finally leaving for greener pastures. I officially submitted my resignation notice to AOL today. I’ll be joining Voxant as a technical architect, effective March 31, 2008.
Surviving the AOL 2007 Layoff
I was fortunate enough to survive today’s layoff at AOL, which was particularly brutal for the Dulles, VA campus. Half of the development team that I worked for got cut today. Many of my friends and co-workers also got the axe. While I am, of course, happy to continue having a job that’s a mere 5 minute commute for me, I can’t help but think that, in some very fundamental ways, AOL has lost its way.
Bella Terra Phase 2
Phase 2 of the Belle Terra web site launched today. This release seamlessly augments the site by integrating a full-featured content management system into it. New features include user authentication, permission-based access to features, banner advertising and rotating reminders.
DC Ruby on Rails Group
Dave volunteered to design the web site, including the look-and-feel, for the newly formed Washington DC Ruby on Rails User Group. Ruby on Rails is one of the hot, new technologies for producing highly functional web sites in minimal timeframes.
Architectural Guidelines, Final
The ARC Recommendations Committee of the Belle Terra community delivered the final version of the new Belle Terra Architectural Guidelines to the Board of Directors for consideration. Dave worked as the technical writer who helped the committee draft the new guidelines.