David Keener at RailsConf

I will be attending RailsConf, the world’s largest Ruby/Rails conference, in Baltimore from June 8 – 10. This is the first time I’ve had a chance to attend a RailsConf, so I’m really looking forward to it.

First Three RubyNation Videos

Don Anderson and I have gotten the first batch of RubyNation conference videos live online at rubynation.blip.tv. This includes presentations from Jim Weirich, Nick Gauthier and Kyle Banker.

RubyNation 2011

We felt that the April timeframe worked out so well for RubyNation 2010 that we’ve already booked the same timeframe for RubyNation 2011. Next year’s conference will be April 8 – 9, 2011, with a separately paid for training day on April 7 for those who are interested.

New Computer Consultants Meetup

My friend, Charles Calvert, has just formed a new Computer Consultants meetup to replace the now-defunct Independent Computer Consultants Association (ICCA), which went bankrupt at the end of 2009. If you’re interested in consulting, you should think about trying out one of this group’s meetings.

RubyNation Retrospective 2010

We just had the Retrospective for RubyNation 2010, where all of the organizers get together for a celebratory dinner and discuss 1) what worked well with the conference, and 2) what needs to be improved for next year. I believe this strategy is one of the key reasons that RubyNation has steadily improved as a conference over the past three years.

Running Amuck at Quantico

Those pesky marketing folks at MetroStar Systems have done it again. Our company is sponsoring the Marine Corps series of races, and the marketing folks pounced on me (in a weak moment) and convinced me to sign up for the Marine Corps Run Amuck race on August 14th. This four-mile race engages runners in obstacles, mud pits, a water challenge and more beginning at 8:00 AM!

MetroStar Ad

Here’s a preview of MetroStar Systems’ full-page advertisement in the RubyNation 2010 Conference Program. I was surprised (and pleased) when the Marketing team incorporated pictures of myself and Dave McVicar into the ad.

MetroStar Ad: David Keener and Dave McVicar

Volunteers Needed for RubyNation 2010

The video production effort for RubyNation 2010 is really taking shape now, and it’s clear that we’re going to need more volunteers to help out. We’re up to 7 cameras and two additional recording devices now. Contact me if you’re interested in helping out on April 8 – 11, 2010.

RubyNation Video Production Site Survey

I just completed the video production site survey at the Sheraton Hotel, where we’ve got the master ballroom and a junior ballroom booked for RubyNation 2010. We resolved most of the big audio/visual setup issues, so all systems are green for this year’s video production effort. We’ll be video-taping the conference sessions.

Exchanges Connect Top 40 Announced

The Top 40 videos for the Exchanges Connect Online Video Contest have been chosen. I was part of the team that created and ran the contest for the Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Now it’s in the hands of the celebrity judges to select the final winners!